Ongoing drop in classes

We are no longer holding classes at the Sacramento Dharma Center.

If you wish to be notified when we resume classes, I will send out an email to people who are on my email list. Sign up here.


Sponsored by Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group

Experienced, certified teachers lead a 50 minute session of Radiant Heart Qigong in the library at the Sacramento Dharma Center. . Come just for the Qigong, or stay and meditate. Practicing Qigong before meditating is such a gift to yourself because it can help you settle into your sitting because you have connected with the body and are more relaxed. Classes are free, but donations are accepted if you feel moved. You don’t have to stay for the meditation to join in. More information here.

​Come for the Qigong, stay for the meditation and dharma talk. Return for the community!

Qigong class

at the old SBMG location


We are no longer holding qigong classes at the Sacramento Dharma Center.